Episode 63: Charles Atlas vs. Art Instruction Schools


George Bernard Shaw once said, “Life isn't about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself.”

He also said, “When you find yourself listening to a podcast with two guys in a bar, question your life choices.”

Well, in the spirit of the first sentiment, we’re going to discuss two programs that held the promise of a better you, found in the pages of comic books for, literally, decades.

So today we’re pitting two more family favorites against one another: Art Instruction Schools and their talent spotting versus Charles Atlas and his Dynamic Tension.

Grab a drink. We’re all about to learn a thing or two…

E X T R A S :

Advertising and photography courtesy of Charles Atlas LTD.

(Top to bottom): A handful of the many Charles Atlas ads found in comics and magazines for decades, publicity photo of Charles Atlas, poster for the movie Muscle Beach Party.


Charles Atlas
Charles Atlas biography (Wikipedia, Britannica, Greatest Physiques)
Charles Atlas, LTD. website

(Top to bottom): A handful of the many Art Instruction School ads from over the years. How many of these characters did you draw?


Art Instruction Schools
History and background (Wikipedia article)
A collection of ads and a personal history from illustrator Mitch O’Connell (blog post)


Episode 64: Rubber Chickens and Whoopee Cushions


Episode 62: Ant Farm vs. Sea Monkeys