Episode 02: KISS, The Bicentennial and the Year 1976


Why 1976? Plenty of reasons. We discuss each of our ages in this, the banner year our nation was turning 200 and everything in sight had bunting and was painted red, white and blue. KISS was at the height of their powers as Michael Doret’s amazing album art from Rock and Roll Over was gracing turntables from coast to coast and the timeless bicentennial star logo from designer Bruce Blackburn was on everything from postage stamps to NASA equipment. And last but not least, Richard Nixon enters the conversation (but not the bar).

E X T R A S :

(Top to bottom): Michael Doret’s incredible album artwork; the Idea magazine cover, also by Doret, that inspired KISS to reach out to him; a later album by the metal band Anthrax inspired by Doret’s work

Further Reading:
“America has a new logo for its 250th birthday. Not everyone is impressed” (The current logo and accompanying explanation) from Chermayeff & Geismar & Hadid (Marketing Brew article)
“America250 Underway with Landor Branding” (The initial approach for the 250th anniversary of the United States; we’re not sure what happened.) from Landor (GDUSA article)


Episode 03: Rural Electrification, Hope for Obama and Posters for Good


Episode 01: MAD Magazine, Humor and Finding Pop Culture Inspiration